About Us.

At E-Turia, we’re passionate about helping businesses reach their full potential worldwide.

Every company should be able to reach its full potential by using the most advanced technology and software, making it easier for them to be successful.

E-Turia is a team of highly qualified professionals dedicated to implementing and customizing SAP Commerce across different industries, standing out by its adaptability and team seniority. The technical expertise of our team covers all necessary areas of a complete end-to-end commerce implementation, covering roles of developers, front-end and backend, architects, team leaders, scrum masters, and business analysts.

We understand that every technology project is unique and requires a unique approach. That’s why we work with our clients to ensure that we sync with their needs, goals and timelines. We’ll never lose sight of the fact that what makes your business tick is more important than any technical detail or feature.

E-Turia Team

You are in Good Hands

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Software Development

E-Turia is a company driven from the technical side. Originally founded by 4 SAP Commerce Architects, one of them being a former SAP employee leading hybris projects since 2014. We like to focus on the important side of the projects by generating business for our customers.

The staff at E-Turia has completed more than 30 successful SAP Commerce projects, giving them extensive experience in project management from beginning to end. From the first requirements gathering to project implementation in agile iterations and post-production assistance.

Technology Proficient

We have worked on projects from several industries, giving us the expertise to assist businesses from many different areas while putting their needs first. In terms of efficiency, having a solid multisector experience is quite advantageous since it allows us to concentrate entirely on knowing the customer’s objectives and goals, engaging them in conversation, and ensuring we surpass their expectations.

We also employ agile approaches. SCRUM is particularly renowned for accelerating delivery while maintaining high flexibility. We have adopted SCRUM as our standard and use the required tools to engage with our clients.

Agile ETuria

Eturia, Not Just e-Commerce

A successful trajectory working with SAP hybris is only one of E-Turia’s facets. Our development team has broad experience with other technology areas, such as Java custom development, SAP CDC (Customer Data Cloud), or SAP Commerce-specific Mobile Applications. The details of our services can be seen on the Eturia Services page.

Many years of reliable service in offering a wide range of SAP implementation and consulting work have led us to become Certified SAP CX Partners in Spain, offering SAP Customer Experience services to customers worldwide.

Support ETuria

Additionally, E-Turia assists once the product launches. With this assistance, we may provide the consumer with any quick and accurate solution to solve an unidentified problem. Due to the global distribution of our personnel, we can offer service around the clock.

We believe you deserve the best support for e-commerce implementations—whether that means helping you build your first website or customizing an existing site for your specific needs. At Eturia, we’re here for you every step of the way!